Events Coordinator

Chris Nilsson

Chris Nilsson Chris Nilsson is the I.S.S. Event Coordinator. His role is to work with the other officers to schedules, plan, and coordinate event setup and tear down for both business and fun. Historically these events have ranged from helping dozens of Scouts launch rockets in a park to fundraising and BBQ's.

Chris has been involved with I.S.S. for many years now, first as friend & volunteer and later in this officer role.

If you have a event suggestion for I.S.S. to attend or perhaps to help with please contact Chris via email by clicking here: Email Chris


Miriah Miller

Miriah Miller One of our original officers from back before I.S.S. was a non-profit and a member of the prior Imperial Starbase Seattle organization. Miriah's skills go far beyond keeping our books. She is an invaluable member who also runs the I.S.S. kitchen and makes sure that we are fully stocked and ready to go for fundraising efforts that involve food.

Miriah has been the I.S.S. Treasurer since the organizations rebirth back in 1998.

If you have a question for Miriah you may email her by clicking here: Email Miriah


James Wilson

James Wilson Another officer who was around in the Imperial Starbase Seattle days. Over the years James has been in and out of officer positions as both the Event Coordinator and as Secretary and is always there to lend a hand when needed. In his role as Secretary he ensures that as much data as can be is captured and recorded by taking notes and uploading them for future use.

James can also often be found manning our club table at local events.

If you have a question for James you may email him by clicking here: Email James

Vice President

Bill Boyde

Bill Boyde Bill is your go to person for any questions. In his role he is the voice the of the membership to the other officers. Have a question and you do not know who to ask, Bill is the place to start.

Bill is also our primary contact for organizations that we already have a working relationship with.

If you have a question for Bill you may email him by clicking here: Email Bill


Collin Miller

Collin Miller The basic role of the President is to oversee meetings and to provide guidience and direction for the organiztion as a whole. The President also can create special committees and works with groups/organizations or businesses that we do not have established relationships with.

Collin held officer positions in Imperial Starbase Seattle and has been President since Imperial Starbase Society became a 501(c)(3). Before becoming a non-profit Collin was also the Human Resources manager for I.S.S.

If you have a question for Collin you may email him by clicking here: Email Collin

General Info


Have a more general Question and not sure how to ask, please email us by: clicking here