All officers shall be elected to a term of 2 years. There shall be no limit to the number of terms an officer can be re-elected to office. Only members can be an officer. Once elected to office, the officer must maintain their member status. New officers shall be elected 6 months prior to the taking of office and the incoming officer to be trained by the outgoing during the last quarter of outgoing officer's term. An officer is the ultimate authority and is the ultimately responsible party for decisions made by those departments that report directly to them. They are also ultimately authoritative and ultimately responsible for duties individually listed in this section.
V.1: President
V.1.A: The President shall chair all meetings and announce decisions made as a result of these meetings.
V.1.B: The President shall call all meetings as needed. When notice is required, the President shall notify the secretary of the pending meeting.
V.1.C: The President shall act as a spokesperson for the organization to non-similar organizations.
V.1.D: The President shall appoint the head of the Parliamentary department and other departments as needed and not specified in this document. These departments shall report directly to the President. If the President and another officer determine a need to create a department under that other officers’ responsibility, that department shall thereby be created and report directly to that other officer. These departments (with the exception of the Parliamentary department) can be dissolved by the President.
V.1.E: In the event that a decision needs to be made and the officer responsible for making that decision is not available, the President may assume the role of that officer pending that officer’s arrival to confirm or overturn that decision.
V.1.F: In the event of a tie vote on any issue or candidate not otherwise covered in this document, the vote of the President shall count as one and one-half vote.
V.2: Vice-President
V.2.A: The Vice-President shall fulfill all responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president at official functions.
V.2.B: The Vice-President shall fulfill other responsibilities as assigned by the president.
V.2.C: The Vice-President shall act as a spokesperson from the officers to the membership and vice-versa. If the Vice-President determines that a decision made by another officer may be contrary to the desires of the general membership, a vote to overturn that decision may be called by the Vice-President at any time.
V.2.D: The Vice-President shall appoint the head of the Human Resources and Recruiting departments. These departments shall report directly to the Vice-President.
V.3: Secretary
V.3.A: The Secretary shall maintain all records of ISS and assure their accuracy and safety.
V.3.B: The Secretary shall review, document, and distribute the minutes of all meetings.
V.3.C: The Secretary shall provide notice of meetings when such notice is required.
V.3.D: The Secretary shall distribute meeting minutes within 7 days of the conclusion of any meeting whose minutes require distribution.
V.3.E: The Secretary shall make available the minutes of any meeting within 48 hours of request by any officer.
V.3.F: The Secretary shall appoint the head of the Publications, Internet, and Communications departments. These departments shall report directly to the Secretary.
V.4: Treasurer
V.4.A: The Treasurer shall manage all funds including their acquisition and disbursement.
V.4.B: The Treasurer shall head the annual budget committee.
V.4.C: The Treasurer shall conduct an annual audit and report its findings to the officers.
V.4.D: The Treasurer shall appoint the head of the Fund Raising department. This department shall report directly to the Treasurer.
V.5: Event Coordinator (also referred to as E.C.)
V.5.A: The E.C. shall be responsible for coordinating all events.
V.5.B: The E.C. shall act as a spokesperson for the organization to similar organizations.
V.5.C: The E.C. shall arrange any facilities coordination as necessary for the function of the organization.
V.5.D: The E.C. shall appoint the head of the Fiction and Education departments. These departments shall report directly to the E.C.